
May 2002b A Healing God,News Interview, Mr. Lauria

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May 9, 2002


God has been calling me to deeper levels of intercessory prayers, especially for other Christians who are going through all kinds of difficult circunstances and painful trials.

And we should never be surprised that we must face such things (1 Peter 1:6,7 and 1 Peter 4:12,13). These Scriptures are so vital for Christians to know and understand.

The Lord has also been instructing me to have more of a background role in the chapel.  In times past I had more of a leadership role up on the front, so to speak.  Now I have been trying to encourage other men to move forward and to discover and use their gifts and talents in order to build up the body of Christ in this place.

I do very little in the chapel these days other than (when asked) to fill in for someone by being the worship leader, or on rarer occasions, to teach a Bible study class.  Sometimes I will be asked to open a service in prayer or to read a Scripture.

Of late I have felt very uncomfortable being behind the pulpit. This is because, for a number of months now, the Lord has been leading me to decrease, to fade into the background.

In the chapel/church setting my calling (now) has been to encourage the other brothers to go deeper with the Lord, to grow in the faith.

These days I feel more comfortable ministering to other Christians one-on-one. I believe the Lord wants me to carry on a writing ministry in my cell (like this journal), and to minister to others through mail correspondence. And this is a full load.

David Berkowitz



May 13, 2002


     It's to bad that the majority of this world's people have no knowledge of the good and wonderful things God is doing in many lives. It 's to bad that so many are full of doubt and skepticism when it comes to Jesus Christ and His miracle working power.

     I know that in my own life God has done so many good things. He has healed my mind. He's filled my life with forgiveness and hope. And as a portion of Psalm 23 says, "He restored my soul."

     The Lord has brought so much restoration into my life. The past is becoming an ever-fading memory as I move on in Christ, an as the Holy Spirit takes me further into my relationship with my Creator.

     Today for example, I was encouraged to see the Lord doing miracles for friend of mine in Tennessee.  She is one of my prayer warriors, daily praying in my behalf and for this ministry.

     She was thrilled at the news that she's now a grandmother. Her son and his wife just had a son. And in the same letter she told me that another son, whom she had been estranged from for fourteen years, had contacted her "out of the blue" and informed her that he's coming home.

     Both of her sons had been problematic and were very difficult to handle as they struggled through adolescence.

     Yet through the years she kept praying for them.

     Today both of her sons are doing fine. One is in the Army. He's the one who just had a child . Her other son is now returing home after a long journey into sin and despair. God is good!

David Berkowitz



May 16, 2002


Once again I thank the Lord for the many ways He has allowed me to be a witness for Him and to tell others what He has done for me.

     On Monday, May 13th, I gave a one hour interview with a New York City area news media crew. I was interviewed by reporter Matthew Schwartz of WWOR/TV, also known as the UPN-Channel 9 station.

     Then on Wendesday, May 15 th, this TV news program was aired before the public. I did not watch it, but my friends did.

     And frankly, I did not care for the sensational aspects of this report. Then again, it really is the way of the media, as they must complete for voiewers. There are several other "Prime Time" news broadcasts which air in the same time slot.

     But in any event, about ten minutes total was given to this out of a one hour program. By news standards, this was a lot.

     I'm thankful, however, that enough air time was available to get out what I felt needed to be said.

     Yet regretably, as is almost always the case with the media, they will delete all references to "Jesus Christ", then delete 99 percent of the referrences to "God" or the Lord".

     Still, it is impossible for the media to block out the countenance of a child of God, or the invisible yet very real ministry of the Holy Spirit as He speaks to the hearts and minds of viewers

David Berkowitz



May 17, 2002


    Within the past several weeks the Lord has led me to do two interviews.. One was with the Sunday Times of London (see Journal entry for May 1). The other was with a New York City area news station,. UPN-Channel 9,WWOR/TV (See Journal for May 16).

     I always hesitate to do media interviews, and only do so after much prayer and condfirmations from  the Lord. And while every media outlet has their own agenda, my goal is to honor Jesus Christ and to let people know that there is hope and forgiveness for anyone through Him.

     However, as a general rule I turn down many requests for interviews and grant only a tiny fraction. I prefer not to do any. But Jesus is the Lord of my life and I must do as He directs.

     Yet with both interviews I belive that God was glorified. Now people know my heart, that I am not seeking parole. Plus they know how sorry I am for what had happened in the past, that I accept my prison sentence.

     I don't believe there is anything anyone can fault with what I was able to share in both of these interviews unless they have hard hearts and are blinded by hatred towards me. There's nothing I can do about this, of course.

David Berkowitz



May 18, 2002


     Today another inmate gave me a copy of an article he took out of the New York Daily News for Wednesday, May 15th. And when I read this short article I thanked God because it is a confirmation for me that my mission has been accomplished.

     It is a very short article yet it said all that's needed. I will quote some of it:


David Berkowitz will go before a parole board for the first time next month, but the infamous Son of Sam killer doesn't think he deserves to be set free. The convicted serial killer said he has found God in prison, expressed remorse for his crimes and apologized to his victims' families during an hour-long interview with UPN Channel 9 News that will air tonight.

Berkowitz has served 25 years of a 365-year prison sentence in the Sullivan Correctional Facility, his punishment for a reign of terror in which he killed six and wounded seven.

"I've accepted responsibility for what has happened," said Berkowitz, 48. "I'm doing my time in prison and I'm not trying to get out of prison."

Temer El-Ghobashy


This article ended after one more short paragraph in which Mr. Lauria expressed his anger towards me. Nevertheless, it said much of what I had hoped to commuicate

David Berkowitz



May 19, 2002


Especialy during the past several months as this parole hearing draws closer, and as more and more media people knock on thier door or ring their phone, the Lauria's have become much more vocal in thieir anger and hatred towards me than ever before.

During the May 15th UPN-Channel 9 news broadcast, Michael Lauria swore to the reporter that he would kill me if he could. Referring to me, Mr. Lauria said that he'd "rip his throat out of his neck".

Over the years Mr. Lauria has always been angry and full of rage against me. And it's perfectly understandable! I do not blame him for feeling this way, and I shared this during the interview.

I have nothing whatsoever against Mr. Lauria. I know that he's a good person. Mr. Lauria is a hardworking man who loves his family. He misses his daughter, Donna, whose life I foolishly took.

So no matter what Mr. Lauria has said about me or will say about me in the future, and none of it will be good. I will always respect this decent man.

I know that he is hurting. I cannot even begin to comprehend the pain he has in his heart over his loss. Nevertheless, I will always pray for him.

I ask the Lord to bring healing into Mr. Lauria's life, to help him to cope and to go on. And I ask God to bless his family and to give him peace.

I wish the Lauria's the best.

David Berkowitz


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