Hello and praises to the name of Jesus.
My name is Robert Alexander and I would like to share a
marvelous testimony
of God's grace and mercy. I was a prison
guard in New York
State's Attica Prison from 1973 to 1981.
1978 I was
working on a Bacherlor's Degree in Criminal Justice
at Rochester
Institute of Technology. At that time a new
inmate came
to Attica--his name was David Berkowitz, the "Son
of Sam" murderer
that had terrorized New York City. My job at
Attica was to supervise the inmates who shoveled
the coal from
train cars
into the powerhouse. They were called the "Coal
Gang." I also covered the breakfast and noon meal in the tear
gas booth overlooking
the mess hall. After the noon meal was
over I would
leave the Coal Gang inmates in their cells or let
them go to
the exercise recreation yard while I would go to talk
to David. What better scientific laboratory for my college
courses could there be than Attica prison
David Berkowitz. I spent many, many hours
talking to
David. I saw his struggle with the occult forces
that plagued
him. Have you ever looked into the face of evil?
Not many people
have ever scared me physically or spiritually,
but David scared
me spiritually. I wasn't a Christian and had
little knowledge
of the occult and satanism but I could see the
effect it had
on David. When he first came to Attica he
struggled but
was able to control the demons within him. He
would show
me the letters that satan worshippers would send
him. Most of the letters had the blood of people--including
on satanic altars.
I was there when an inmate cut David's throat. In fact, I
comforted him
at our prison hospital as the nurse stitched his
throat. The fact is, the inmate tht cut his throat was a
former Coal
Gang inmate.
Over a period of two years I saw David slip into satanic
despair and
torment. He would howl and was engulfed in porno
literature. He digressed out of control. David was so demonic,
we started
to call him--David "Berserkowitz". Finally, we
him out of Attica to Clinton Prison, far up in the
Adirondack Mountains. I lost contact with David after his
transfer. In 1981 I had finished my Master's Degree in
and became a counselor at the prison. You were in
the minority
if you had a Master's Degree at Attica. I was
excited about
being a counselor. When you've been a guard for
eight years
you don't get much satisfaction out of coming home
and saying,
"Only five men got raped today, only three stabbed,
only seven
fights and only one went crazy, but no one escaped,
boy, did I
have a great day!!!" I always felt I owed most of
my Degree to
the inmates of the Coal Gang, especially David.
They were my
test lab for all the psychological theories.
We had another famous inmate come to Attica in 1981
when I had
become a counselor.) His name was Mark David
Chapman. Most people know that he was the man who shot John
Lennon, of
the Beatles. Since I was the only person with a
Master's Degree
in counseling I was assigned to counsel Mark.
It was great
to decrease my 225 man case load to one person.
As I worked
with Mark over a period of time, I got to know his
wife, Gloria,
who had moved to Attica from Hawaii. Counseling
Mark was extremely
interesting and very challenging, Mark
shared that
he was a Christian and had lead his wife (who had
been involved
in the occult) to Christ.
I knew a lot about Jesus in my head since my stepmother
and most of
her family were Christians, but I didn't know
Jesus personally. The fact was that I was an extremely high
alcoholic. I wondered how a criminal like Mark
David Chapman
could be a Christian. My wife, Gerry, knew that
I was counseling
Mark but thought I was crazy when I called
the Billy Graham
crusade (that happened to be on TV that
evening) to
ask if they had anything to help me counsel with a
Christian inmate. My wife had a religion, but not personal
with Christ. Gerry though Billy Graham was a
mimi!" She said, "I can't stand those Baptist
screamers." She just shook her head as I let them pray for me
and take our
address to send the literature.
God works in strange and mysterious ways--His wonders to
perform! A few days later Mark told me he wanted a new
counselor because
of a disagreement we had. I told him,
"That's fine"
and went back to a regular case load. In the
meantime I
mentioned to my wife that I wasn't counseling Mark
anymore. A few days later the envelope from Billy Graham was
delivered to
our house. My wife tossed the envelope in the
kitchen trash,
knowing that I no longer needed the information.
For the rest
of the day she threw things on top of the envelope
in the trash. Every time she went by the trash it called out
to her in her
spirit and she finally picked it up and opened
it. She pulled out all the material and was led to open the
Gospel of John
that was tucked inside. My little wife read the
entire Book
of John; got on her knees, repented, and asked
Jesus to save
her. Werever I go to speak, I tell every man
that if he
wife gets saved and starts to pray for him, he might
as well give
up because she won't shut up! The fervent prayer
of a righteous
wife availeth much. She prayed for me for three
years. God
finally brought me to my knees and I came to Jesus
in 1986, praise
Not long after I was saved I saw Mark in the exercise yard
and he asked
me if I had become a Christian, because he heard
that "Alexander" had gotten religion. He told me it was all
over the prison
how I would praise God and tell everyone about
Jesus. Mark shared that he had heard from Don Dickerman that
David Berkowitz
had been gloriously saved. Mark asked Don to
send me David's
testimony. I put it in my desk and told Mark
that I would
"time test" David's salvation since I had seen
hundreds of
jailhouse conversions. That testimony was in my
desk until
two years ago when I wrote to David and shared my
I have since had the privilege of visiting David at
Sullivan Prison
and I can attest to the change in David's
heart. Once, at Attica prison, I looked in to his eyes and
the darkest
evil I have ever encountered. I remember the first
time I saw
David again at Sullivan. I was looking into a new
man in Christ--a
man with peace, peace that passes all
understanding. Once where I could only see darkness and demons
I could now see David was overflowing with rivers of living
water. We currently have the most wonderful fellowship in
JESUS CHRIST. The lost inmate and the lost
praising our Savior!
I hope this testimony lifts and encourages your heart.
Judge Robert Alexander