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Dealing With People Who Hate Me
Spreading the Gospel From a Prison Cell
October 2000 Prison Ministries
November 2000 Witchcraft in America, Don Dickerman
Oct. Nov. 2000x
December 2000 Y2K, KKK
January 2001a New Millenium
February 2001 a Baby Faces
April 2001 Murder Memorabelia
May 2001a Lessons From Sufferning
July 2001a Anne Frank
July 2001b Inmate Stories
July 2001c Summer Heat, New Inmates
October 2001a War an God's Protection
October 2001b Mrs. Moskowitz
November 2001a Spreading the Gospel
December 2001a Mrs. Moskowitz, Golden Nuggets
January 2002 a A New Year
February 2002b Melendez, Parole
January 2002c More on Parole
March 2002 a The Governor
March 2002b Pastor Cymbala
October 2002a Beltway Snipers, Lockdown
November 2002a Three for Jesus, Brother Paulding
December 2002a Son of Suffering
David Wins Lawsuit Against Former Lawyer
Letter to Families of Victims April 2, 2002
Misinformation-Nancy Grace Show
The Everlasting Arms--July 1, 2005
Danny's Song, July 22, 2005
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Short Testimony
Lost Things August 8, 2001
Mom and Dad
DEER March 29, 2003
February 2002a An Evil Time, Dark Memories
Growing Old January 26, 2005
Jesus at the Door--Delivered Sermon
Statement of Facts
Judge Robert Alexander Testimony
Red Lake Massacre April 1, 2005
The Invisible Kid, April 7, 2005
August 2005a Jeremiah's Lament
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February 2003 (a) Columbia Space Shuttle
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April 2003 Saddam Hussein, Iraq, Jeffrey
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July 2002 Satanic Atack--A Sad Anniversary
August 2003 Afflictions, Jumper, Struggles, A Devout Jew
September 2003 Mrs. Moskowitz, 9-11, Blessings
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November 2003 Mental Illness, Iraq, Charlie, Forgiveness
December 2003 Thougts on J ournal, Personal Hurts, Joseph
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June 2006 A Birthday Present
No Longer Bound--Larry
June 2006c Long Lost Daughter, Lord's Presence
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January 2006b a Cop's Son
March 2002c A Friend in Ohio
March 2002d Enduring Through Prayer
April 2002a Darrell Scott/ Columbine
April 2002b AIDS, Another Kind of Death Sentence
May 2002a A Faithful God, Forgetting the Past
May 2002b A Healing God,News Interview, Mr. Lauria
May 2002c Gideon's Convention
June 2002a Setting My Heart
June 2002b A Difficult Time
June 2002c Barriers of Pride
July 2002b Media Mis-information
July 2002c Brother Paulding
August 2002a Need For Spiritual Rest
May 2006 Dealing With Inner Pain, Bitterness
July 200 6 a Rest In the Lord
August 2006a Men At Work
August 2006b Desperate Times
August 2002c Joel's Dream
August 2002 No Looking Back
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January 15, 2002


Yesterday I took a 1 1/2 hour trailning course given by a civilian instructor on how to be a "sighted guide". In other words, how to help and escort someone who is blind. For in the cellblock where I live, there are some vusually impaired prisoners.

I know that working with those who have this handicap is going to be a personal challenge for me. But hopefully I will be able to take one of them to the chapel services once in a while.

It's a long walk from the cellblock to the chapel, as these two places are at opposite ends of the facility. I will have to help a blind man navigate through the hallways and corridors, and through the crowds of other prisoners who are movng about.

In addition, today I was able to sit down and talk to another prisoner, a 42 year old black man who's doing time for robbery and drug possession. He is not one of the blind or hearing impaired men, gut he lives in my housing unit, D-North.

He had an interesting talk about Jesus Christ. Like most of the men here, he's very familiar with my criminal past. So he asked me some questions and I was thus able to give him a little of my testimony.

But I was surprised when he told me that his mother is a long since retired New York City police officer who was on the force for twenty -seven years.

I couldn't help but think of the irony here. He's a "career criminal", who in his own words, spent much of his adult life in and out of prison. His mom was a cop.

As I have so often observed, being in prison for a quarter century, it doesn:t matter if one comes from a good home or a bad one, sin is sin. The Bible explains that we've all been born with a sin nature and an innate propensity to do bad and to break God's holy laws.

Anyone from any background is capaple of committing a crime. And this is why, I believe, my inmate neighbors consist of not only men who've come from the ghettoes of poverty, but also doctors, lawyers and police officers.

Satan is no respecter of persons. He's out to destroy anyone he can. Rich or poor, black or white, prison contain men and women from all walks of life.

Everyone needs to repent of his or her own sins. We all need to place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation. Every human being who has ever lived needs His forgiveness. There is no person who is righteous in himself, not even one. (Romans 3:10)

David Berkowitz



January 25, 2002


The Lord never ceases to surprise me. He does things in ways I would never think of.

Jesus told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person (Mark 16:15). Yet while I have my own physical restrictions and limitations because of incarceration, leave it to the Lord to figure out ways to bring people to me instead of my going to them.

Thus I was surprised once more when I received a letter from a man who says he's a Buddhist. He said that he was encouraged by my testimony and for what Jesus Christ has done in my life.

He told me, too, that he has found "solace" in the teachings of Buddha. I certainly appreciate his honesty, and I am not looking to debate my faith. However, when it is time for me to answer his letter, I know the Lord will give me the right words to say.

For Jesus Christ makes the exclusive claim to be the only "door" to eternal life. He said in the gospel of John, "I am the door: By Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved..." John 10:9).

Then later on in this gospel, Jesus said some of His most frequently quoted words: "I am the way, the truth and the life: No man cometh to the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6).

For centuries ordinary men, religious scholars, debaters and mockers have tried to undermine these clear and concise words. Infidels and modernizers have tried to neutralize and water down John 14:6 to make it into something else. Yet Jesus' words remain steadfast.

Christ's words are pointed and direct. He is the only way. He is all truth. And He is the giver of eternal life. "Verily, verily, I say unto y ou, He that bellieveth on Me hath everlasting life" (John 6:47).

The Lord Jesus also said, "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live" (John 11:25).

Thus while the teachings of Buddha may seem pleasing to many people with talk of inner peace and mankind's never ending search for bliss, Buddha never deals with the issues of sin and one's accounabillity to a Creator.

Buddha did not die for my sins. In fact he is still in the grave. But Jesus the Messiah is the sone of God. He died for my sins and He arose from the grave theee days later. Now He sits at the right hand of the Father, always making intercession for me.

As it says in the Bible concerning Jesus Christ, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).

Yet even now as I am writing this for my journal, I have already begun to pray for this man, Ron. May the Holy spirit open his heart to receive the everlasting and true gospel of Jesus Christ. May the Lord also help me to speak the truth in love when the time comes for me to write back to him. Amen!

David Berkowitz

January 26, 2002


In spite of the weaknesses of my flesh, the Lord continues to fill my soul with hope and unspeakable joy. And to think that very soon I may see my Creator face to face. For Jesus has promised to take me with Him forever. I'm just passing through this world. Thankfully this sin scorched earth is not my home.

This morning I went to the recreation yard. The weather was splendid and the rays of the sun felt so good to my tired body. Here it is late January in the Catskill Mountains and the temperature was around 55 degrees. Normally my area would be buried under several feet of snow.

As I was soaking up the sun I was quietly praising the Lord for His goodness. Earlier I had phoned Neysa Moskowitz. This was our third telephone conversation. She sounded very strong and even told me that she loves me. Amazing!

Later I met with several Hispanic friends, all Christians. I was touched by the deep love we all have for one another. God has broken every barrier that would normally separate and divide men. These guys exude love from their very pores and it was refreshing to be around them.

David Berkowitz



January 27, 2002


The Bible says that "Hell and destruction are never full" (Proverbs 27:30). There's always room for more souls in this place of torment. And earlier today two young men plunged into Hell, forever.

They lived as criminals and drug dealers, and before the sun came up on this gorgeous day, they had already gone to their eternal home.

Ordinarily, I'm up early on Sundays to try and have a quiet time of meditation before the 6:30 wake-up bell sounds and the cellblock stirs to life.

On Sunday mornings I usually do not listen to the news channels on my radio. But today, however, I had a desire to tune to the CBS all news station which comes out of New York City. This was when I heard the news about a violent shootout in the Bronx, which left two young men dead and a third man very seriously wounded.

The report said that this event happened at 815 Adee Avenue in the Williamsbridge section. I know the area well. Twenty-five years ago it was a fairly quiet middle class neighborhood.

These men were supposedly selling marijuana out of an apartment on the fourth floor of this tenement building. Apparently someone tried to rob them and gunshots were exchanged.

In the end, two young men lay dead while the killers fled into the night. Immediately, however, I began to think about the men who died. No names were mentioned. And I also thought of their families, of crying mothers, and of fathers who had hopes that their sons would grow up and do good in life.

I have stong words to share right now. For I believe God's heart breaks when He sees young men and women chosing to commit crimes. He knows that, because of the road they're taking, that in the long run nothing good will result. That ultimately they will ruin their lives.

Many will end up with criminal records that will haunt them for a lifetime. Many will waste precious years in prison. Others, like the two young men who died today,

will end up chilling on slabs in the City Morgue. They lived fast and died fast.

Yet I also know that God has something better for each person in this world. He has a plan and purpose for everyone. God is not willing that any should perish oin Hell, but that all should repent of their sins and place their faith in Jesus Christ.

My prayer today is that Christians will take seriously our call to evangelize and to seek out the lost. Too many are perishing, and Hell is still hungry for more.

We need a vision of what it must be like for a young person to plunge into Hell. We need to see their despair and hoplessness. We need the courage to go into all the world and proclaim the way of salvation. May we have hearts of love to truly care.

The Bible says that we are the salt and light of this world. In other words, we can make a difference. We can impact our generation for Christ and see that many are delivered from degradation and death. Jesus is their only hope!

David Berkowitz



January 30, 2002


As I got up this morning to pray, the word "satisfied" kept coming to my mind. So I began to think about all the many people in this world who are dissatisfied with life, and how that being satisfied is truly a great blessing fronm God.

Today I can say with gratitude that God has given me a ministry as well as a life that I am satisified with. There are enough spiritually thirsty people in here to keep me busy for a long time to come.

Over the years the Lord has worked in my behalf, and I have found favor with so many different people, both in prison and on the outside.

Christ has filled my soul with His presence and His peace. For even during the difficult days He carries me all the more. For when I am weak, He is strong.

And while the floods of ungodly men have sought to drwon me--as I do have my share of enemies--the Lord has set me upon a sure foundation. All their plots and plans have come to nothing.

Today I can say with confidence that serving the Lord has been great. There were times when it hasn't been easy, yet it's still been wonderful.

My years of walking with Jesus Christ have been worth it all.. And I believe by faith that the best is yet to come. The Lord's plan for my life is still unfolding. Even now I am satisfied with God's goodness.

David Berkowitz


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