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July 23, 2006


For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Romans 8:18

This Sunday morning, when my beloved chaplain, whom or congregation affectionately calls "Pastor Carl", took his place behind the pulpit, and told us the news that his wife was recently diagnosed with cancer, we were very sad. Suffering, unfortunately, is a part of every person's life, and Christians are no exception. For we live in weak and aging bodies of flesh, with all its pains and imperfections. No one, therefore, is immune from the cruel blows of sickness, injury, emotional problems, bad news, or even death. After all, who among us has not experienced some kind of loss or hardship?

Thankfully, however, I know a God of mercy who is both compassionate and tenderhearted. He hears the prayers of His children. And while the Lord doesn't always answer us the way we'd like, He does care. He is faithful, I believe, to provide us with His strength and help when we need it.

In addition, Pastor Carl told us that, because his wife was advised to get immediate medical attention, he was now going to be taking a leave of absence for a few weeks in order to care for her needs. and, as a result of this, our congregation's elders will have to cover for him until he gets back.

In any event, when my pastor had finished speaking, and before he stepped away from the pulpit, the approximately fifty prisoners who were in attendance arose to our feet and began to simultaneously pray for our chaplain and his wife. It was a special moment to behold. It was also a moment of our faith mixing with love.

David Berkowitz

July 27, 2006


And they overcame him (the devil) by the Blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ), and by the word of their testimony...

Revelation 12:11

The Bible speaks much about enduring, overcoming, and living with everlasting hope. The Bible is also a book about victory and triumph through one's faith in Jesus Christ. For God, through His word, encourages His children to trust in Him at all times, and to never allow one's self to sink into defeat and despair.

In my journal entry for June 29th, for example, I wrote about the emotional pain and the inner devastation I experienced after learning that a few close friends had betrayed me.

And while God's grace has been flooding my heart in order to help me to overcome this situation, the whole ordeal has taken a toll on mly strength. Still, I forgive these individuals, but I will have to be more cautious and more discerning in the future.

Meanwhile, however, I am continuing to pray for God's will to be done concerning my role as the inmate pastor. Being in such a leadership role takes its toll in many ways. I miss being able to do deeper Bible studes. I also have only a limited amount of time each week to write in my journal because of my pastor-related responsibilities and commitments..

I may, therefore, be close to making a major change by passing the leadership torch to someone else. This is not definite; I am simply waiting on God to guide me and direct my path.

David Berkowitz

July 30. 2006


This morning, even though we had to sit in stifling heat and humidity, we had a good worship service in the chapel. And before our main preacher came to give his sermon, one of the men in the congregation, "Brother Phillip", was invited to speak to us about "whatever the Lord had placed in his heart."

So Philip came to the podium and gave us a short exhortation from Psalm 91. His talk only lasted for approximately seven minutes, but he got a lot of "Amens" and "Hallelujahs" from the audience because his message was encouraging.

Philip, by the way, is a deacon in our prison church. He is doing a sentence of more than 150 years. He was a former gang member who, back in the early 1990's was featured on Americas's Most Wanted. Then, when he was finally arrested in the State of Connecticut and while he was awaiting extradition back to New York, the local chaplain stopped by his cell and began to tell him about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died for Philip's sins.

Thankfully, Philip responded to the chaplain's words and invited Jesus to be his Savior. Now he's been serving the Lord ever since.

Nowadays Philip is a strong Christian whom God has called to be a leader within our flock. He has no realistic chances of getting out of prison, however. The length of his sentence makes parole an impossibility. Instead he fervently serves the Lord withough any waivering of his faith. He's a good example for us.


David Berkowitz

July 31, 2006


Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.

Psalm 86:3

As my friends may know from reading this journal, I have been passing through several hard trials, and I've been getting "pressed out of measure" in the process.* I am not complaining, however, because I know I'm supposed to "rejoice always" no matter what I must face. But the reality is that these trials are painful; my soul feels like it's being crushed.

Yet the Lord must have something special for me though. For out of this crushing, I pray will come the sweet fragrances of love, humility and gentleness.

Moreover, it has been said that our affllictions and trials will either make us better or bitter Christians. Either we'll come out of a given ordeal with our faith and our confidence in God made stronger, or we will grow angry and bitter. Depending how each person handles his trial, he will either become a good example as a Christian, with a sweet spirit and a kind countenance, or he will become an angry cynic with a brooding disposition, always emitting the sour smell of spiritual defeat wherever he goes.

As for myself, I must allow Jesus Christ to remain my Hope. He is to be, forever, my Rock, my Fortress, and my Strong Tower set strongly against the storms of life that seem to assail me every day.

*11 Corinthians 1:8-10

David Berkowitz

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