
December 2001a Mrs. Moskowitz, Golden Nuggets

Dealing With People Who Hate Me
Spreading the Gospel From a Prison Cell
October 2000 Prison Ministries
November 2000 Witchcraft in America, Don Dickerman
Oct. Nov. 2000x
December 2000 Y2K, KKK
January 2001a New Millenium
February 2001 a Baby Faces
April 2001 Murder Memorabelia
May 2001a Lessons From Sufferning
July 2001a Anne Frank
July 2001b Inmate Stories
July 2001c Summer Heat, New Inmates
October 2001a War an God's Protection
October 2001b Mrs. Moskowitz
November 2001a Spreading the Gospel
December 2001a Mrs. Moskowitz, Golden Nuggets
January 2002 a A New Year
February 2002b Melendez, Parole
January 2002c More on Parole
March 2002 a The Governor
March 2002b Pastor Cymbala
October 2002a Beltway Snipers, Lockdown
November 2002a Three for Jesus, Brother Paulding
December 2002a Son of Suffering
David Wins Lawsuit Against Former Lawyer
Letter to Families of Victims April 2, 2002
Misinformation-Nancy Grace Show
The Everlasting Arms--July 1, 2005
Danny's Song, July 22, 2005
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Short Testimony
Lost Things August 8, 2001
Mom and Dad
DEER March 29, 2003
February 2002a An Evil Time, Dark Memories
Growing Old January 26, 2005
Jesus at the Door--Delivered Sermon
Statement of Facts
Judge Robert Alexander Testimony
Red Lake Massacre April 1, 2005
The Invisible Kid, April 7, 2005
August 2005a Jeremiah's Lament
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February 2003 (a) Columbia Space Shuttle
March 2003 Laundry, Mom, War, Ellen
April 2003 Saddam Hussein, Iraq, Jeffrey
May 2002 Army Days
June 2002 50th Birthday
July 2002 Satanic Atack--A Sad Anniversary
August 2003 Afflictions, Jumper, Struggles, A Devout Jew
September 2003 Mrs. Moskowitz, 9-11, Blessings
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October 2003 Remembering Mom, Praying for a Hungry Soul
November 2003 Mental Illness, Iraq, Charlie, Forgiveness
December 2003 Thougts on J ournal, Personal Hurts, Joseph
January 2004 Code Orange
February 2004 Frank Dimarco, Prison Violence, Gay Marriage
June 2006 A Birthday Present
No Longer Bound--Larry
June 2006c Long Lost Daughter, Lord's Presence
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March 2002c A Friend in Ohio
March 2002d Enduring Through Prayer
April 2002a Darrell Scott/ Columbine
April 2002b AIDS, Another Kind of Death Sentence
May 2002a A Faithful God, Forgetting the Past
May 2002b A Healing God,News Interview, Mr. Lauria
May 2002c Gideon's Convention
June 2002a Setting My Heart
June 2002b A Difficult Time
June 2002c Barriers of Pride
July 2002b Media Mis-information
July 2002c Brother Paulding
August 2002a Need For Spiritual Rest
May 2006 Dealing With Inner Pain, Bitterness
July 200 6 a Rest In the Lord
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August 2006b Desperate Times
August 2002c Joel's Dream
August 2002 No Looking Back
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The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble: and He knoweth them that trust in Him.

Nahum 1:7

Earlier today this seldom known Scripture from the prophet Nahum popped into my mind. The Lord has many wonderful nuggets of encouraging truths buried in the Bible. This is one of them that I dug out today.

I said "seldom known" because very few Christians are probably familiar with Nahum, let alone what he had to say. But for many years this particular verse has been one of my favorites.

For me, the Lord has truly been a strong hold in all my troubles and struggles. It is He who's been holding my hand more than my holding onto His. for God will never lose His grip, nor will He ever let me go.

Furthermore, there was something that I heard today which was also a precious nugget. As I was listening to the local Christan radio station, a preacher said this:  "Each step forward in my life is one step further from the past."

Well, this did it. Between the verse from Nahum and then getting these encouraging words later in the day, my spirit has been greatly strengthened. Praise the Lord!

David Berkowitz

December 8, 2001


Today it happened. A miracle has occurred, and once again the Lord has done far above all I could possibly ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20.

After weeks of prayer and seeking the Lord's guidance concerning His perfect timing, I went to the prison yard, got to a telephone, and called Neysa Moskowitz.

We had been corresponding before this, exchanging several letters between us. She asked me to call her. For the longest time I had only dreamed of doing such a thing. Because ever since I first became a Christian, I began to pray for the people whom I hurt by my past actions. I longed for the moment when, by some great miracle of God, I could acually face these hurting people one by one, to apologize.

Now, after twenty-five years, this has become a reality, at least with one person.

So at 10:00 A.M. on a chilly saturday morning, I dialed her number. Mrs. Moskowitz was home. I started crying and began apologizing as soon as she picked up the phone. I told her how my heart went out to her. She immediatly responded with the works, "I forgive you."

We spoke for about 20-25 minutes. Mrs. Moskowitz said that she refuses to be angry anymore because it was only poisoning her. We had a good conversation and we got to share a lilttle about our lives. She talked a lot about her deceased daughter, Stacy. And we also shared many personal things and even had a few laughs. Mrs. Moskowitz insisted that I call her again. At the right time, I will. But to make a long story short, much healing occurred today for both of us.

David Berkowitz

December 9, 2001


I awoke this Sunday morning to find about five inches of snow on the ground. This is the first snowfall of the year in this part of New York, and it was long overdue. We had an unusual season of record breaking warm weather, but now winter's finally here.

Although I'm feeling very tired right now, having been on the go and in church just about all day, tomorrow I may go out at night to walk around in the prison's yard to pray, meditate, and clear my head. My winter walks are a blessing as there are fewer men in the yard as opposed to when it is warm.. The cold northern wind and the below freezing temperatures keep them indorrs.

Today, however, was a spiritually prosperous day for me. We had our main worship service in the chapel. This was in the morning. Then I went back in the afternoon to attend another service, a Spanish ministry team from New York City.

The times for each service are very structured and the time for each one is strictly regulated by the prison's administration.

Sunday Worship Service 10:00-11:30 A.M.

Sunday Afternoon Bilingual Service 1:00-3:00 P.M.

Evening Bible Study & Fellowship 6:20-8:00 P.M.

Sunday is usually my busiest day of the week. And the services were a blessing. The Lord had some deep messages for me and for all the brothers. At times it felt as if Jesus was standing right next to me. Whew!

David Berkowitz

December 13, 2001


Last night I couldn't fall asleep at all. So it was a good time for extended prayer. Shortly after midnight I shut my small reading lamp off and got down on my knees in the darkness. I ended up having one of the best times I've had in prayer in awhile. I unburdened my heart and it felt as if I touched heaven. I pray every night. But this time it was different. There seemed to be a spiritual breakthrough on my part. And today I feel so much more invigorated.

For me God is easy to talk to because I know that He loves me. I thanked Jesus Christ for the good Bible studies we have here at the prison. I thanked Him for showing me how to be content with what I have, reallizing that it is only by His grace and mercy that I am still alive.

Likewise, I am thankful for my salvation and for good health. I thank Jesus for being able to know Him as my Good Shepherd, and for the intimate relationship we have between us. Not everyone has this.

And during my late night prayer time, I believe the Holy Spirit impressed it upon my mind once more that there are now more opportunities and more people open to accept the gospel than perhaps ever before in the history of our nation.

This is a time when we Christians need to be filled wlith the Spirit and be all "prayed up" so that we can do our part, however small it may seem, to bring in the last of the harvest.

The Lord Jesus is holding the Door of Mercy open just a little while longer.

David Berkowitz

December 14, 2001


For the past year or so, I was assigned to help and escort an inmate who had to travel about the facility in a wheelchair. He had a bad heart and other serious medical problems.

It was my job (really my ministry) to look out for him. Another prisoner was also assigned to this task. So he and I worked out a schedule where we could both split the load.

This wheelchair bound man had to go to the prison's infirmary three times a day, seven days per week, for his medications plus all other times when he needed to see the doctor or the nurses for tests and other treatments.

Thus there were times I had to do a lot of pushing through the long corridors as we went back and forth from the cellblock to the infirmary.

Anyhow, the month prior this ill man was permanently transferred to another maximum security prison which has a special Regional Medical Unit. He really needed to go, for this type of Unit is more capable of meeting his needs than what our regular infirmary/hospital has.

I will miss him. We spent the past year talking, praying, laughing, eating, etc. He went to the chapel services with me when he had the strength.

However, because this prisoner had transferred, there went my assigned job. So several days ago one of the prison administration's counselors asked me if I would consider going back to the Intermediate Care Probram which is designed to help those prisoners who have coping problems or other special needs.

Therefore, in the following week I will be going back to the place I worked and ministered in on and off) for about six years.

David Berkowitz

December 18, 2001


I have not written very much in my journal for the month of December. Right now my schedule has been so full with corresppondence, additional chapel services during the holiday period, and my new work assignment.

During the past few weeks I've received some very encouraging letters from Messianic Jews (Jewish people who believe that Jesus is the Messiah.) None of them have ever written before. In various ways the Lord has led each one to my testimony, and then led them to write me, all of whom are from different parts of the country.

Furthermore, for December I must have received at least one hundred letters thus far and the month isn't over yet.

I am thankful for every person who wrote to let me know they've been praying for me. Some evenings I have found myself with tears flowing down my face in humble gratitude for all the people my life appears to have touched in recent years.

And I only regret that I cannot possibly write back to everyone. I just don't have the time, strength, or capabililties to answer 100-150 letters per month, although I do answer a lot of it. I guess I will have to hire an anointed, Holy Spirit filled secretary. Ha!

Perhaps tomorrow I will share about my being reassigned to the prison's iIntermendiate Care Program. Although this is my official job, it is really a ministry to me. For I must care for the men who are emotionally ill, troubled and oppressed.

David Berkowitz

December 26, 2001


I am in my cell this evening trying to write my journal entry, while my neighbor, who lives in another cell about five feet away from mine, screams and carries on like a lunatic. He's just trying to pass the time.

Most people have no conception of what prison life is like. It's an environment that is so unstable and unpredictable. One day the cellblock could be fairly orderly with a reasonable degree of quiet. Then the next day, for no apparent reason, several dozen men will all seem ot be hit with a collective insanity at the same time.

Each one, it appears, will decide to yell and make noise, or act weird. This then develops into a cacophony of harsh, jarring sounds which bounce off the concrete and steel, funnel into one's ear canals and quickly enters the brain.

Thankfully I have a pair of headphones and a Walkman. I own some Christian praise tapes. So I have a way to at least partially escape until these screamers, one by one, either get tired or bored and stop.

Right now I'm longing for the late hours when the noise will come to an end. Then I can have some good quality quiet time.

For tomorrow it's back to my work assignment plus other chores I have to do, like tons of laundry. I'm thankful though that God has helped me to survive such a chaotic Christmas. I really do love these men and care about them But I'm glad for God's grace which has kept me sane all these years.

David Berkowitz


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